Canada’s #1 rated financial app now for teens
Teenagers from 13-17 years¹ old can enjoy Canada’s #1 rated financial app². Teens can build money management skills with their own debit-like card, open savings accounts with goals and get unlimited access to financial content.
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Trusted by 1M+ users in Canada
All the features of a debit card, connected to an app that helps teens learn the value of money. There are no fees, no minimum balances or deposits, so you get peace of mind. Plus no branch visits—it’s all in the Neo app.
Neo Youth High-Interest Savings account (HISA)
A savings account for teenagers to learn to manage their finances with confidence.
- Earn 3.00% interest³ annually (paid monthly)
- Open multiple accounts for different savings goals
- Set goal amounts and personalize account names and icons
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JA Money card
Teens can learn healthy spending habits and earn cashback rewards.
- Teens can earn cashback and redeem at any time
- Budgeting tools and insights to help your teen better understand their spending habits
- Every purchase on the card gives back to Junior Achievement Canada at no extra cost.
Get the card

Next generation money tools
Canada’s ultra-secure financial app
Everything related to your teen’s account can be managed directly in the Neo app including:
- Access to their virtual card to make purchases online
- Freeze and unfreeze cards instantly
- Change your PIN anytime
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Neo protects your teen’s money
Advanced app security
All accounts are protected with features that can be enabled with Face ID, fingerprint lock, and two-factor authentication.
Real-time purchase notifications
Your teen receives instant notifications for every transaction, so they know what’s happening with their money at all times.
Blocks on underage consumption
We’ve custom built our tech to make sure your kids are kept safe from exposure to restricted consumption as minors, including alcohol and gambling.
Build a wealth of knowledge
Teens get free, unlimited access to bite-sized financial content and tools in the JA Knowledge Hub to help build their money management skills and confidence.
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Who is Neo Financial?
Neo Financial™ is a financial services company that’s helping Canadians build a better financial future with spending, savings, and rewards.
Learn more about Neo Financial
Get the #1 rated financial app in Canada²
4.8*App store rating
1M+Engaged Users
#1Financial app in Canada²
Our trusted financial services providers

Got questions?
We've got answers.
What is a prepaid card and how does it differ from a credit card?
The JA Money card is a prepaid card that has the rewards of a credit card and the functionality of a debit card, without incurring debt or spending beyond your account balance. Access cash and spend your money online and in-store without having to manually load funds onto your card.
What is cashback?
Cashback is exactly what it sounds like—money back in your pocket, through your Rewards Wallet, when you make a purchase with your JA Money card at any of the thousands of partners, or the brands and categories where cashback is offered.
How do I use my cashback?
You can use your cashback for making purchases in the Neo Store, or cash out to your Neo Everyday account. Cashback is paid instantly and is accessible through your Rewards Wallet in the Neo app.
What is a high-interest savings account and why does it matter?
In addition to the JA Money card, you can open one or more Neo High-Interest Savings accounts, which help you easily earn interest on your savings. Interest is calculated daily and paid out monthly. When you want to save for specific goals, you can personalize your savings accounts with a goal name and amount to track your progress.
How do you calculate interest on my savings?
Earn 3.00% interest³ per year on your entire balance. Neo offers one of the highest rates in Canada⁴, and it's not an introductory or promotional rate.
When should I start saving, and how much money do I need?
The earlier you start saving, the longer your money has to grow. But you certainly don’t have to have a lot of money to get started with a savings account—you can always start small and add more money to your savings with your allowance or income from your job.
Is my money insured?
The Neo High-Interest Savings account is provided by Peoples Bank of Canada, a CDIC member institutionand is eligible for CDIC deposit protection. Deposits held in Neo High-Interest Savings accounts are combined with eligible deposits held at Peoples Bank of Canada, for up to $100,000 of deposit protection, per category, per depositor. For more information about CDIC deposit insurance, please consult CDIC’s website
Who is JA Canada and how does the JA Money card support the organization?
Junior Achievement of Canada (JA Canada) is a non-profit educational organization committed to youth success. Learn more atjacanada.orgYour JA Money card usage generates donations for JA Canada at no cost to you.
When should I start saving, and how much money do I need?
The earlier you start saving, the longer your money has to grow. But you certainly don’t have to have a lot of money to get started with a savings account—you can always start small and add more money to your savings with your allowance or income from your job.
The Neo High-Interest Savings account is provided by Peoples Bank of Canada.The Neo High-Interest Savings account is provided by Peoples Bank of Canada, a {link1}{link2}.CDIC member institution, and is eligible for CDIC deposit protection. Deposits held in Neo High-Interest Savings accounts are combined with eligible deposits held at Peoples Bank of Canada, for up to $100,000 of deposit protection, per category, per depositor. For more information about CDIC deposit insurance, please consult CDIC’s website cdic.caThere are no transaction fees applicable to the Neo High-Interest Savings account. If you require a printed version of a monthly statement or other document, a $5 fee applies for each printed document.The JA Money card is a prepaid Mastercard® issued by Neo Financial pursuant to license by Mastercard International Incorporated. The JA Money card is powered by the Neo Everyday account, which is provided by Peoples Bank of Canada.Neo AI is an educational tool and shouldn't be used as a source of financial advice, answers provided by Neo AI may not always be accurate.Cashback is earned on eligible purchases at Neo Partners. See the Neo Rewards™ Policy for details on earning cashback and other terms and conditions that apply. Cashback, perks, insights, and other offers and rewards are operated by Neo. Third-party merchants may have minimum age requirements.¹ Account only available to Canadian residents. You must be at least 13 years of age if you reside outside of Quebec; if you reside in Quebec you must be at least 14 years of age.² Based on research comparing and limited to: BMO, CIBC, KOHO, PC Financial, EQ, RBC, Scotiabank, Tangerine, TD Bank, Wealthsimple, and Simplii Financial app ratings in the App Store and Google Play. Research conducted by Neo Financial on December 12, 2023.³ Interest is calculated daily on the total closing balance and paid monthly. Rates are per annum and subject to change without notice.⁴ Based on research of high-interest savings accounts, comparing and limited to: BMO, CIBC, Scotiabank, TD Bank, RBC, Simplii Financial, Desjardins, and Tangerine. Research conducted by Neo Financial and based on data taken from public websites on November 28, 2023. Research includes promotional offers with a term of 0-5 months.